Summer 2012

Summer 2012
Lilly and The Bear

Monday, April 25, 2011

Time Ticks On

Ok when I got on this site this evening I realized the last Blog Lilly was 11 months old. Yes, basically I fell off the face of the earth. Sorry people life has been rough.

So work and having a baby is hard. 11 months let me get you all updated. Lilly strolled then she walked, now she is running. Lilly no longer has a Binky. We got rid of that a while back. Thank goodness. She does have a bottle but only in the middle of the night. I need to break this habit. But currently I am battling my 8th sinus infection, so I am lazy. Lilly is eating ALL foods. I try to not focus on junk but again work then home I become lazy. Lilly has chosen a few words to say: Deddy, Bye, and Hi. I get momma when she is in trouble, tired, or cranky. She has learned to blow kisses and wave. She knows how to open every drawer in the house, shut every door, and currently un-rolling toilet paper has hit an all time high for her.

Lilly is now in Little Munchkins at the Children's Center. She still Loves school. She also brings home every sickness to Mommy. Awesome!

This summer Lilly, Mike, and I will be traveling to Delaware and Destin Florida. We are looking forward to both.

As for Mike and I, we made it out of one of the worst winters in NH history. I would say 76 inches of snow accumulation sounds right. It just snowed Saturday!!! UGH. We are SO ready for summer.


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